for a while I've been experiencing memory issues when marshalling large files.
I've monitored this usage with some crude profiling:
25,000 locations: 72MB
50,000 locations: 140MB
So I've looked for ways to reduce this problem. One approach is to marshal the file in chunks instead of all at once. Here are some useful links:
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(type);
m = context.createMarshaller();
FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE); sw = new;
XMLStreamWriter xmlOut = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory(). createXMLStreamWriter(sw);
xmlOut.writeStartDocument(" UTF-8", "1.0");
xmlOut.writeStartElement("kml" );
xmlOut.writeDefaultNamespace(" ");
xmlOut.writeNamespace("atom", "") ;
xmlOut.writeNamespace("kml", " 2");
xmlOut.writeNamespace("gx", " ext/2.2");
xmlOut.writeNamespace("xal", "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq: xsdschema:xAL:2.0");
xmlOut.writeStartElement(" Document");
// iterate through your placemarks here
Placemark placemark = new Placemark()
m.marshal(placemark, xmlOut);
xmlOut.writeEndElement(); // Document
xmlOut.writeEndElement(); // kml
This is an intermediate solution that sacrifices elegance but this way I've been able to reduce memory usage at least by 60%:
25,000 locations: 20MB
50,000 locations: 40MB
I believe a similar approach can be used when parsing large documents.
I hope someone finds this useful
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